Tuesday, July 26, 2016

I'm Joining #ARCAugust, are you?

I have many books on my TBR (both finished copies and ARCs) and my list never seems to go under 60 books. Hopefully this month I can change that! 

Here's the 12 books I plan to read! 

I got some upcoming 2016 ARCs here, and I don't have much time to review when school starts, so I'm quite excited to read them all! Plus some ARCs from last year. 
Maybe I'll be able to hit under 50 books to read too? 

What's on your #ARCAugust TBR? 


  1. I just did my ARC list today for ARC August and there's 68 books on there so I'm just shooting to read as many as I can during the month. Your list looks really good, lots of different genres to mix things up. Good luck!

  2. Good luck, you have some good ones on your list! Thanks for joining us this August :D
