5 Stars: An absolute star! You will not regret reading this book.
4 Stars: This book was pretty good. You should give it a try!
3 Stars: It was an alright read. You should borrow it at a library if you want to read it.
2 Stars: I disliked this book. I would not go out of my way for it.
1 Stars: Did not like at all and do not recommend.
Currently we are NOT accepting books for review. Blog is currently on hiatus so if you contact us there will be a delay in response.
- We mainly review Young Adult books.
- We accept both print ARCs and finished copies.
- If you want us to review a sequel, we'd like to read and review the first book in the series beforehand.
- We do not accept self-published books (case by case exceptions exist).
If you would like us to review your book please include:
Title: (of book that is being promoted)
Series Name & Number in Series:
Date of Release:
In the subject include the item that you wish us to focus on (Ex: Cover Reveal) and in the body of the paragraph please briefly describe what you wish for us to do.
We reserve the right to decline any request.
Guest Reviewers:
We will occasionally have guest reviewers or guest posts. If you have written a review that has not been posted on any other blog and are interested in being a guest reviewer, please contact us at wonderlandnovelsblog@gmail.com. Please keep in mind your review cannot be sponsored and have to be strictly your own thoughts.
We will occasionally have guest reviewers or guest posts. If you have written a review that has not been posted on any other blog and are interested in being a guest reviewer, please contact us at wonderlandnovelsblog@gmail.com. Please keep in mind your review cannot be sponsored and have to be strictly your own thoughts.