Morning Star by Pierce Brown
Series: Red Rising Saga #3
Rating: 5 stars
Published: February 9th 2016
Goodreads Synopsis:
Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. But Darrow is determined to fight back. Risking everything to transform himself and breach Gold society, Darrow has battled to survive the cutthroat rivalries that breed Society’s mightiest warriors, climbed the ranks, and waited patiently to unleash the revolution that will tear the hierarchy apart from within.
Finally, the time has come.
But devotion to honor and hunger for vengeance run deep on both sides. Darrow and his comrades-in-arms face powerful enemies without scruple or mercy. Among them are some Darrow once considered friends. To win, Darrow will need to inspire those shackled in darkness to break their chains, unmake the world their cruel masters have built, and claim a destiny too long denied—and too glorious to surrender.
A great way to end the series. But now that Iron Gold is out I need to read that too!
What I enjoyed about this book was the strong bonds that were examined and tested. Because Darrow could not be who he was without his friends - which said a lot about Darrow and a lot about his friends. The war had not only taken a toll on everyone mentally and physically, but also Darrow's friendships were at stake, and it was nice that Darrow reaffirmed how much he needed everyone (Victra, Sevro, Ragnar, Mustang, Cassius, etc) and how he learned from his mistakes - HE CAN'T JUST DO EVERYTHING ALONE.
I like that there were chapters and time devoted specifically to this important character growth. Because while Darrow was being tortured, Sevro was running the Sons of Ares to the ground. And after a huge fight, their relationship (as well as the Howlers) reemerges stronger than ever. They have the kind of friendship that transcends all the good, bad, and ugly.
"I'm always saying shit things."
"I'm glad you said it."
"Because we've both forgotten we didn't get here on our own. You and I should be able to say anything to each other. That's how this works. It's how we work. We don't walk on eggshells. We talk to each other. Even if we say shit that's hard to hear."
Pierce Brown also does a great job once again of working through the intricacies of war and political intrigue. It's not just about who beats who - but how will the winner be able to control what is left of Mars and the empire?
"I am not an anarchist, a communist, a fascist, a plutocrat, or even a demokrat, for that matter. My boys, don't believe what they tell you in school. Government is never the solution, but it is almost always the problem. I'm a capitalist. And I believe in effort and progress and the ingenuity of our species. The continuing evolution and advancement of our kind based on fair competition. Fact of the matter is, Gold does not want man to continue to evolve. Since the conquering, they have routinely stifled advancement to maintain their heaven. They've wrapped themselves in myth. Filled their grand oceans with monsters to hunt. Cultivated private Mirkwoods and Olympuses of their very own. They have suits of armor to make them flying gods. And they preserve that ridiculous fairy tale by keeping mankind frozen in time. Curbing invention, curiosity, social mobility. Change threatens that."
Morning Star had our characters do epic things - fight epically, deceive and manipulate, and play the political game. We also saw some of our faves die, but we were introduced to pretty cool people as well.
Plus there's always humorous moments in between all the serious!
"My name is Felicia au..." I feint a whip at her face. She brings her blade up, and Victra goes diagonal and impales her at the belly button. I finish her off with a neat decapitation.
"Bye Felicia," Victra spits, turning to the last Praetorian. "No substance these days. Are you of the same fiber?"
My faves, Victra and Sevro - get their super happy ending. Darrow and Mustang do as well, but now that Iron Gold is out, I can't help but wonder that this happiness will not be for long. All in all, it was a captivating read. Hic sunt leones !
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